Holidays are over and you are ready to change your mix of pyjama and festive outwear to your ordinary clothes. Don’t forget to do so with food. The best way to return to your normal diet is to remember about water. Water is «an underwear» of nutrition, absolutely crucial part of it actually. I am sure you don’t forget to put on your panties. Why would you skip water then? Below are 5 steps to assist your comfortable transition to healthy diet after holidays:
Start your day with healthy breakfast. Eggs with tomatoes and cucumber; oats with seeds and berries; breakfast wholegrain toasts with avocado and omelet.. Choose something really nutritious to boost your energy for the day.
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Go back to basics. Enjoy vegetables in salads, stews, curries, soups. Baked or boiled, your 5 a day is a minimum amount and a base of your stylish, colourful and healthy diet.
Replace sweets with fruits. Simple, tasty, lower in calories, full of antioxidants.
Have you stopped controlling portion sizes over holidays? It’s ok but only for a short period of time. During holidays you tend to overeat which is not great for your health and body. Start it all over again: try to avoid extra food on your plate as well as unnecessary snacks.
Water is a base of nutrition. If you put on your underwear today have a couple of glasses of water then. Don’t skip it 😃
PS: I am not a big fan of detox diets in general and especially after holidays. If you change hearty and fatty Christmas food to low calorie smoothie only detox diet you put your body under stress. Don’t do it, your body deserves love, care and stylish nutrient dense food.