Serotonin — is a well-known mood, sleep and emotion modulator. Out body makes serotonin from an amino-acid Tryptophan website here. In winter most of us tend to have low mood and low energy levels so by increasing tryptophan-rich foods in your diet you can increase your general well-being and survive the cold and dark season. A number of very familiar foods are especially rich in tryptophan. Those are: sunflower seeds, brown rice, walnuts, bananas, avocados, eggs, cheese, turkey, fish and chicken. It is a good idea to mix it with foods high in B-vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids as both are important for energy production, brain and nerve function. Try sweet potatoes rich in vitamins B; leafy greens and lentils full of folic acid; nuts, seeds, and oily fish rich in Omega-3 essential fatty acids;
Boost your mood and energy with this simple meals and snacks:
  • Mood boosting smoothie: mix 1/2 banana with 1 tbsp walnut or almond butter and 1 cup of milk (or milk alternative) and berries. Enjoy 1 glass. Add leafy greens if you like it in your smoothies in order to get extra vitamin B.

  • Wholegrain toast with avocado, walnut and cottage cheese spread. Mix 1/2 of avocado with 1 tbsp cottage cheese and 5 walnuts in blender and spread over your toast.

  • Start your day with a bowl of oats with 4-5 almond nuts and 1/2 sliced apple.

  • Try a salmon fillet (palm size) with baked sweet potato and fresh baby spinach.

  • Have a bowl of healthy salad full of leafy greens with 1 tbsp of sunflower seeds, 2 tbsp cooked lentils, 1/2 of avocado and lemon juice dressing.