Please, don’t forget to drink water. Water in your diet is like underwear in your wardrobe. You simply can’t skip it. Below are 5 tips to increase your water consumption and to get a healthy habit of drinking water:
1) Have a glass of water first time in the morning. Make it your new routine. Wake up, brush your teeth, put on your underwear, and have a glass of water straight after. After 14 days it will be your new habit, I promise.
2) Have a glass or a small bottle of water on the table with each meal. That way you are more likely to drink it than if your bottle is somewhere in the house or at your bag. Put a glass of water next to your plate when serving dinner.
3) Experiment with flavours: add a slice of lemon, or some berries (fresh or frozen), or a pinch of cinnamon, or maybe mint leaves.
4) If you prefer water with ice freeze flavoured ice cubes, for example water+juice, or water+berries, or herbal tea. That way you’ll bring colour and flavour to your water by simply adding a couple of ice cubes.
5) You can easily replace one glass of water in the evening with your favourite herbal tea. Try calming and relaxing options, for example chamomile, lemon balm, or mixed teas.
I can’t emphasis more the importance of water drinking habit in your life. If you have kids it is even more important because family habits will become their habits in the future slimming pills that work.