If you are the one lucky enough to spend cold months in Hawaii or Bali, just smile and skip this post. Yet for the majority winter is challenging. It is hard to look stylish and to eat right when dark mornings lead up to cold days followed by long nights. The only two things we want are the following: to put on something warm and cosy, and to eat a good hearty dinner. Therefore we end up wearing black on black and eating cakes on burgers. Fashion stylist tell us that winter can be fun and stylish, and I promise you can style your nutrition for winter in a nice and easy way.
Every season has its must-have wardrobe and fridge items. What do we want from our winter wardrobe? We want it to be warm, comfortable and stylish. Well, let’s apply the same principles to our fridge wardrobe.

Try to eat warm foods. Experiment with your breakfast, lunch and dinner in order to fight the cold weather from the inside. Why do we tend to eat more during winter months? It is because our body needs some extra energy to warm up (and to gain some fat for unexpected circumstances). By eating warm foods you don’t loose heat, moreover it is simply more comfortable in winter. Try to replace cold sandwiches with hearty soups or hot salads, enjoy boiled or baked vegs, dive into the world of stews. Hot food is your winter table must-have.

We rarely wear bikini during the winter because there is a term «seasonal clothes». When we plan our winter fridge wardrobe we should keep this useful term in mind. Choose seasonal foods not only because it is generally budget friendly but also because it has much more nutrients. Leave fresh berries, green peas, summer fruits and asparagus for later and enjoy brussels sprouts, chestnuts, oranges, kale, grapefruit, pumpkins, winter squash and early winter apples. Keep in mind what is seasonal for your region when choosing basics.

Variety of grains. As I have already mentioned we need more energy when it is cold outside. Energy is always about carbs. If you don’t want to suffer from low mood and energy throughout winter don’t avoid carbs even if you trying to loose weight. Carbs are crucial yet the secret is what type of carbs you choose. Try brown or black rice, wholegrain pasta, soy pasta, bulgur buckwheat and wholegrain bread with nuts and seeds.

Vitamin D. This vitamin plays many crucial roles in our body however the main is calcium and phosphate regulation highly needed for bones, teeth and muscles health. From April to October most of healthy adults should not worry too much about vitamin D as we get it from sunlight however we can get it only from food and supplements in winter. Good food sources are oily fish, liver, egg yolk and red meat.For example, 150 grams of salmon contain approximately daily requirement of vitamin D.  I’ll talk more about supplements later.

Water. Winter brings all the variety of hot drinks to our life, especially caffeine drinks like teas and coffee. However water is the very important basic of your diet in winter. `The harsh cold air together with the very dry central heating air makes our skin and body to suffer. Caffeine drinks we all enjoy so much on dark miserable mornings cause even worse dehydration. You really need to drink still water and herbal teas in order to hydrate your body. Add cranberries to bring festive mood to your bottle.