


Citrus fruits: fashion trend or winter fridge essential?

December 11th, 2016|Categories: Accents, Fake trends, Fruits, Vitamins|

In winter we try our best to support immunity. Nobody likes to stay home with seasonal cold or flu especially with the magic festive season coming up. Since our early childhood we know that citrus [...]

Your winter 5 a Day: Fresh or Frozen?

December 9th, 2016|Categories: Inspiration, Minerals, Nutrition trends, Seasonal food, Starch, Style, Vegan, Vegetables, Vegetarian, Vitamins|

I have already mentioned the importance of 2 principals when choosing the wardrobe for your fridge. Go seasonal and try to bring a variety of foods in order to get the good amount of micro [...]

Soup of the month: Ginger-Spiced Carrot Soup

December 9th, 2016|Categories: Accents, Healthy diet, Inspiration, Recipes, Soups, Style|

The beauty of this fantastic winter soup is its flexibility. You can add almost any extra ingredient to customise it to your taste and level of hunger. It also check all the boxes we need [...]

My choice: top-5 winter basics

November 7th, 2016|Categories: Basics, Fridge Wardrobe, Inspiration, Nutrition, Nutrition trends, Style|

Your fridge basics depend on many factors to mention your lifestyle, eating habits, relationship with home cooking and the country you live in among others. What do I mean by fridge basics? It is simply [...]

Winter trends for your fridge

November 7th, 2016|Categories: Accents, Fridge Accessories, Fridge Therapy, Fridge Wardrobe, Healthy diet, Inspiration, Nutrition trends, Style|

If you are the one lucky enough to spend cold months in Hawaii or Bali, just smile and skip this post. Yet for the majority winter is challenging. It is hard to look stylish and [...]

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