Style of the month: vegetarian
People decide to become a vegetarian for many reasons. Like a decision not to wear fur and leather, the decision not to eat meat/animal products depends on many factors. Some common motivators include the environment, [...]
Water basics: top 5 tips to drink just enough
Please, don’t forget to drink water. Water in your diet is like underwear in your wardrobe. You simply can’t skip it. Below are 5 tips to increase your water consumption and to get a healthy [...]
NUTRICOUTURE Terminology: tops AKA vegetables, fruits & berries
The idea of NUTRICOUTURE is to show you that nutrition can be stylish. As you probably know I believe that fashion and nutrition have much in common. Read more in the «Balanced diet vs balanced [...]
Style your mood with simple foods
Serotonin — is a well-known mood, sleep and emotion modulator. Out body makes serotonin from an amino-acid Tryptophan website here. In winter most of us tend to have low mood and low energy levels so [...]
Balanced diet vs balanced wardrobe: general principals
Let’s start to talk about balance, not style. What do we mean by balanced wardrobe for a day? Despite of a season, lifestyle, budget, goals and occupation we all put on several pieces of clothes [...]
Style the way you eat after holidays
Holidays are over and you are ready to change your mix of pyjama and festive outwear to your ordinary clothes. Don’t forget to do so with food. The best way to return to your normal [...]